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Your Neurosculpting® Horoscope for the Month of April

tinc Take this tongue-in-cheek horoscope for what it is, however we believe you may find it quite helpful!


This month as spring storms bring the winds of change we are reminded that all things are in a delicate balance of transition. In one moment you may be reminded of the threat of winter, and in the next you are lulled by the promise of spring. All things change and we are actually in a transition in each and every moment. This month, pay attention to the way your limbic patterns drive you to cling tightly to old habits and thoughts of self-conscious criticism. Feeding these thoughts can cause the patterns to strengthen and make you feel stuck in a stance you may have to defend or prove. This is a waste of your vital energy.

Instead, notice that spring and extra daylight may invigorate you. springbuds Pay attention to those prefrontal cortex moments where you are distracted by the newly budding trees, the way the landscape changes in front of your eyes, and the new smells you might notice in the air. All of this novelty can really stimulate a heightened sense of awareness. The more you recognize the newness that spring brings, the more you will entrain to a prefrontal disposition, opening up the rest of this month to more potential, grace and discovery.

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