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Nirvana, Located in our Brains?

Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor is a remarkable individual who tours the world discussing the devastating and enlightening effects of the massive stroke that annihilated the left hemisphere of her brain.  With only her right hemisphere online for many years she notes,…


Life out of Control

How we focus our attention determines the neural maps we reinforce in our brains.  It is the basis of neuroplasticity--our inherent gift of transformation.  Daniel Siegel notes in Mindsight "Some days we lean towards chaos--life feels unpredictable and out of…


Gray Matters

According to Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, author of Mindsight, the right side of the brain creates an "AND" stance, while the left creates an "OR" point of view.  "AND" becomes an inclusive mindset that leaves room for the shades of…


We are Figments of Our Own Imagination

According to Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor, Neuroscientist and author of My Stroke of Insight, hard-wired directly into the right hemisphere of our brain is the ability to perceive nirvana, oneness with all beings, unity consciousness, egoless existence, and the miraculous power…

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