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How to Meditate at Work by: Megan Winkler

Did you know you can take Neurosculpting® to work with you? No, really! One of the best things about the Neurosculpting® 5-Step Process is that it can be modified in your personal practice to suit your needs. You don’t have to practice for the full 20 minutes to reap the benefits of Neurosculpting®. In fact, you can meditate without even leaving your desk. How’s that for a quality brain break during the long workday? Here’s how:

Follow the Process

First and foremost, be sure to follow the 5-Step Process. This process is what makes Neurosculpting® so effective.

  • Quiet the fight-or-flight response by focusing on safety, support, and security
  • Engage the prefrontal cortex with benign novelty
  • Create cross talk between hemispheres by using concrete details and abstract imagery
  • Link a somatic cue with tapping
  • Name the meditation to create a linguistic reference to the experience

If you’ve been to one of the many classes here at the Institute or with one of our Certified Neurosculpting® Facilitators across the globe, then you’re already familiar with this process and it will be much easier to facilitate your own practice.

Headphones Close Your Office Door (if possible) or Put your Headphones On

While not every office is conducive to taking a meditation break, most are. For a time, I worked in a shared office for three people, but because the entire workspace was designed with lots of open space, we had phone booths that I could duck into for a quick five or ten-minute break and no one was the wiser.

Get a little creative. You can always meditate in your car before running out to grab a sandwich for lunch.

Modify the Story to Fit Your Needs Today

Always begin with the first two steps of the process: focus on your breath, tune into gravity, tease the prefrontal cortex by drawing your attention to a couple of different places on your body. Then select one of your favorite elements of a Neurosculpting® class you’ve attended. Perhaps you like to release stress, so pick one thing that’s stressing you out and meditate on that release following the steps your Neurosculpting® facilitator has taught you. Do what feels good. You can pick three things to focus on, but you don’t have to if you’re pressed for time.

Be sure to tap where you feel a release and assign the meditation a name before you’re done so you can remember how you felt at the end of your meditation throughout the day. You can sit in this meditative space for 20, 30, or even 60 minutes in your personal practice, but you can also practice it for five to 10 minutes in between meetings. heart

Benefits of Meditating Throughout the Day

So why meditate at work? First of all, it gives your brain a break. The prefrontal cortex is the diva of the brain and it needs rest and plenty of TLC. Especially when you’ve finished up a difficult task, take a few minutes to practice your Neurosculpting®.

Ever have to meet with a client or coworker who seems to think getting on your nerves is the ultimate form of entertainment? Meditate before meeting with them! You’ll be more grounded, and hopeful they won’t bother you as much. Then, after the meeting, meditate again, or shake it out in the restroom stall. No one will see you shake and your mind and body will reap the downregulating benefits of that shake.

Meditating at work could bring you more focus and could also help improve your relationship with coworkers. Because, let’s face it, if you feel good, you make others feel good too.

And for a limited time, grab our Warrior One Immersion self-paced online class for $97 off until May 15.

neurosculpting_institute_megan_winkler.jpgMegan Winkler

Open, friendly, and compassionate, Megan Winkler is inspired to make the world a better place. In 2013, she began studying Neurosculpting®, a brain-based approach to healing through the union of meditation and neuroscience. She found that it settled her mind and helped her manage stress in life-changing ways. In 2014, she completed her Tier 1 certification with the Neurosculpting® Institute. As a meditation instructor, Megan provides a safe, comfortable environment in which students of all ages—eight to 108—can unlock their innate ability to experience change and healing in their own lives. She currently serves as the Neurosculpting® Institute’s Editorial Coordinator and Youth Program Co-Developer. She also holds a certification in Nutritional Therapy and regularly integrates nutritional suggestions into classes. When she’s not teaching in person or online, Megan can be found working on her tiny home project with partner Mike and her daughter, singing karaoke, or working on her latest novel.  Website:

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